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您当前的位置:首页 » 供应产品 » 进口气动隔膜泵(进口隔膜泵品牌)
产品: 浏览次数:65进口气动隔膜泵(进口隔膜泵品牌) 
品牌: 英国格林
单价: 面议
最小起订量: 1 台
供货总量: 100 台
发货期限: 自买家付款之日起 30 天内发货
有效期至: 长期有效
最后更新: 2020-12-15

英国GRIMM格林进口气动隔膜泵 UK GRIMM imported pneumatic diaphragm pump








口       径:10-125mm




海事            排放和输送                                ◆污水  ◆海水  ◆柴油
电子            排放和输送                                ◆废水  ◆强酸  ◆强碱
汽车            排放和输送                                ◆密封剂  ◆粘结剂  ◆电镀溶剂  ◆溶剂  ◆油漆

化工生产     排放和输送                                ◆肥皂  ◆清洁剂  ◆粘合剂  ◆油墨清洁/擦亮剂
                                                                    ◆油漆/染料  ◆针对剪切敏感物料
煤矿            排放                                          ◆污水  ◆混水  ◆稀泥浆
医药            食物及药物物料供应和输送       ◆FDA物料

UK GRIMM imported pneumatic diaphragm pump summary:

         imported pneumatic diaphragm pump is a new three generation pneumatic diaphragm pump developed by Green in Britain. It uses compressed air as power source. It is a displacement pump caused by reciprocating deformation of diaphragm. With reliable quality, long service life, low noise, small vibration, never crashes, six major advantages of working fine, the flow of liquid can be pumped, and easy to transport some of the flow medium has many advantages, self suction pump, submersible pump, shield pump, pump mud and impurities such as conveyor equipment.

UK GRIMM imported pneumatic diaphragm pump working principle:

1. Compressed air as the driving force.

2. Is a diaphragm reciprocating deformation caused by volume changes in the displacement pump, its working principle similar to the plunger pump, because of the diaphragm pump working principle of the characteristics, so diaphragm pump has the following characteristics:

The diaphragm pump does not overheat: Powered by compressed air in the exhaust is an endothermic process of expansion, the pneumatic pump when the temperature is lower, no harmful gas emissions.

The diaphragm pump does not produce spark: pneumatic diaphragm pumps do not have electricity for power, ground and later to prevent electrostatic spark.

The diaphragm pump liquid containing particles can be: because the volume of imports and working for the ball, so can not be easily blocked.

UK GRIMM imported pneumatic diaphragm pump performance characteristics: 

1. Without irrigation water, suction lift up to 7.6m, head of 84m, the outlet pressure is greater than or equal to 7bar.

2. Wlow spacious, through good performance, allowing the maximum particle diameter of 9.4mm. Pumping with mud and impurities, little wear on the pump.

3. Head, flow can be achieved through the opening of the valve stepless adjustment (air pressure between 1 ~ 7bar).

4. The pump has no rotary parts, no seals, moving parts, medium diaphragm pump pumping and pump completely separated from the workpiece medium, the transmission medium does not leak out. Pumping so toxic and flammable or corrosive media, it will not cause environmental pollution and harm personal safety.

5. Do not use electricity. It is safe and reliable in flammable and explosive places.

6. Can be immersed in the medium work.

7. Easy to use, reliable, open stop simply open and close the gas valve, because of unforeseen circumstances even if long time no medium operation or sudden stop pump will not be damaged, once over loading, the pump will automatically shut down, with the self protection function. When the load is recovered, and can automatically start running.

8. The pump does not need oil lubrication, even idling, no impact on the pump, which is the biggest feature of the pump.

9. Simple structure, less wearing parts, the pump has the advantages of simple structure, convenient installation and maintenance, pump transmission medium will not come into contact with the valve rod and other moving parts, unlike other types of pumps due to the rotor wear, piston, gear and vane parts such as the gradual decline in performance.

10. Can carry more viscous liquid (viscosity at below 10 thousand CPS).

UK GRIMM imported pneumatic diaphragm pump technical parameter:

Maximum flow: 18.9-1041L/min

Maximum lift: 70-84m

Outlet pressure: 0.7-0.84MPa

Caliber: 10-125mm

Inlet caliber: 1/4, 1/2, 3/4

Particle diameter: 1.5-10mm

Maximum siphon height (dry or wet):2.4-7.6m

The largest transport solid particles: 1.5-9.4mm

Maximum air consumption: 9.0-82.6scfm

Flow per stroke: (small bore) 23cc

Per reciprocating flow: 46cc, 3.9-7.6L

Maximum reciprocating speed: (small bore: dry running 320cpm, wet running 250cpm); 135-400cpm

UK GRIMM imported pneumatic diaphragm pump main use:

1. Pump paint, gum, paint.

2. Adhesives and glue, all kinds can be pumped.

3. Pump peanut butter, pickles, mashed potatoes, red sausage, jam, apple sauce, chocolate, etc..

4. All kinds of tile, porcelain, brick and ceramic glaze slurry.

5. After oil well is drilled, pump the sediment and grout.

6. Pump various kinds of emulsion and packing.

7. Pumping all kinds of sewage.

8. Use the pump as an oil tanker, barge clearance, absorb the sewage inside the warehouse.

9. Hops and baking powder, pulp, syrup, sugar tight.

10. Pumping water, mine, tunnel, tunnel, ore dressing, water in slag. Suction cement grout and grout.

11. All kinds of rubber pulp.

12. All kinds of abrasive, corrosive oil and mud, grease and general cleaning container.

13. You can suck a variety of highly toxic, flammable, volatile liquids.

14. All kinds of strong acid, alkali and strong corrosive liquid.

15. All kinds of high temperature resistant liquid absorption maximum of 150 DEG C.

16. As a solid liquid separation equipment before the pressure delivery device.

UK GRIMM imported pneumatic diaphragm pump application area:

Maritime emissions and transport the sewage water - - Diesel

Electron emission and transportation - wastewater - acid - alkali

The automobile exhaust and conveying the sealant - - solvent - solvent - binder electroplating paint

Chemical production and delivery of the soap - discharge cleaning agent - adhesive - ink cleaner / polishes

The paint / dye - for shear sensitive materials

The coal mine sewage emissions - water - dilute mud

Medical supplies and food and drug delivery material - FDA















GRIMM china:

         Shanghai Bingqi Valve Co., Ltd. for GRIMM company general agent in China, is China with GRIMM proxy and sales rights, provide service and technical support, mainly for Chinese customers at the same time, will also actively participate in the training of technical personnel of butterfly learning headquarters, and continue to grasp the product principle, practical operation and Engineering Technology based on customer demand, improve the Chinese area.

about GRIMM:

         Uk GRIMM International Co., Lid is the field of fluid control in the Asia Pacific region is one of the main production and suppliers, the company headquarters is located in Clay Forde, has an experienced R & D team, the implementation of a global unified design, unified standards, a leading position in the field of water pump. In many countries, there are production pump base, China by the Shanghai Bingqi valve, responsible for the Chinese market business and technical support center, while selling to the Chinese market.

       Uk GRIMM products have been widely used in various fields for municipal drainage, construction, petroleum, chemical, gas, food, pharmaceutical, power generation, metallurgy, mining, boiler steam system, pressure vessel, atomic energy, aerospace, rockets, and people's daily life.

       Uk GRIMM the main products are: pipeline pump, centrifugal pump, diaphragm pump, magnetic pump, vacuum pump, submersible pumps, sewage pumps, metering pumps, sanitary pump, blower and other products.

Service system:

GRIMM quality:

         GRIMM company pays attention to product quality and service life, all adopt the advanced manufacturing technology and production equipment, and unremittingly research and development of new products, the whole process of quality control to ensure uninterrupted, used in the production process (SPC) process control (TQM) and total quality management; strictly regulate the implementation of GRIMM has not let the quality drag day, effectively guarantee the performance of each product details.

GRIMM major:

          Fluid control technology master core, market leading products, services and solutions that help users improve efficiency, bring critical infrastructure.

GRIMM service:

          We work closely with the user, support a series of system using technology and file reports provide pre-sale, sale, customer service and technical support services, with your trust and support, we will be more perfect and more efficient to provide technical solutions of fluid pump.

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